function _trim(s){
return _rtrim(_ltrim(s));
function _ltrim(s){
// remove all beginning white space
return (s.length == 0) ? s : s.replace(new RegExp("^\\s+", qFormAPI.reAttribs), "");
function _rtrim(s){
// remove all ending white space
return (s.length == 0) ? s : s.replace(new RegExp("\\s+$", qFormAPI.reAttribs), "");
function _listToArray(string,delim){
var delim = _param(arguments[1], ",");
tmp = string.split(delim);
for( var i=0; i < tmp.length; i++ ) tmp[i] = _trim(tmp[i]);
return tmp;
function _listSum(string,delim){
var delim = _param(arguments[1], ",");
tmp = _listToArray(string,delim);
iValue = 0;
for( var i=0; i < tmp.length; i++ ) iValue += parseInt(_trim(tmp[i]), 10);
return iValue;
function _stripInvalidChars(_s, _t){
var s = _param(arguments[0]);
var t = _param(arguments[1], "numeric").toLowerCase();
var r;
if( t == "numeric" ) r = new RegExp("([^0-9.]*)(^-?\\d*\\.?\\d*)(\\D*)", qFormAPI.reAttribs);
else if( t == "alpha" ) r = new RegExp("[^A-Za-z]+", qFormAPI.reAttribs);
else if( t == "alphanumeric" ) r = new RegExp("\\W+", qFormAPI.reAttribs);
else r = new RegExp("[^" + t + "]+", qFormAPI.reAttribs);
if( t == "numeric" ) s = s.replace(r, "$2");
else s = s.replace(r, "");
return s;
function _isLength(string, len, type){
var string = _param(arguments[0]);
var len = parseInt(_param(arguments[1], 10, "number"), 10);
var type = _param(arguments[2], "numeric");
var tmp = _stripInvalidChars(string, type);
return (tmp.length == len) ? true : false;
function _getState(abbr){
var abbr = _param(arguments[0]).toLowerCase();
_s = new Object(); = "Alabama"; _s.ak = "Alaska"; = "American Samoa"; = "Arizona"; = "Arkansas"; = "California"; = "Colorado"; _s.ct = "Connecticut"; = "Delaware"; _s.dc = "District of Columbia"; = "Federal States of Micronesia"; _s.fl = "Florida"; = "Georgia"; = "Guam"; _s.hi = "Hawaii"; = "Idaho"; = "Illinois"; _s["in"] = "Indiana"; _s.ia = "Iowa"; _s.ks = "Kansas"; = "Kentucky"; = "Louisana"; = "Maine"; = "Marshall Islands"; = "Maryland"; = "Massachusetts"; _s.mi = "Michigan"; = "Minnesota"; = "Mississippi"; = "Missouri"; = "Montana"; = "Nebraska"; _s.nv = "Nevada"; _s.nh = "New Hampshire"; _s.nj = "New Jersey"; _s.nm = "New Mexico"; _s.ny = "New York"; = "North Carolina"; _s.nd = "North Dakota"; = "Northern Mariana Islands"; _s.oh = "Ohio"; _s.ok = "Oklahoma"; _s.or = "Oregon"; = "Palau"; = "Pennsylvania"; = "Puerto Rico"; _s.ri = "Rhode Island"; = "South Carolina"; = "South Dakota"; = "Tennessee"; _s.tx = "Texas"; _s.ut = "Utah"; _s.vt = "Vermont"; = "Virgin Islands"; = "Virginia"; _s.wa = "Washington"; _s.wv = "West Virginia"; _s.wi = "Wisconsin"; _s.wy = "Wyoming"; _s.aa = "Armed Forces Americas"; = "Armed Forces Africa/Europe/Middle East"; _s.ap = "Armed Forces Pacific";
if( !_s[abbr] ){
return null;
} else {
return _s[abbr];
// define the default properties for the sort
qFormAPI.sortOptions = new Object();
qFormAPI.sortOptions.order = "asc";
qFormAPI.sortOptions.byText = true;
function _sortOptions(obj, order, byText){
var order = _param(arguments[1], qFormAPI.sortOptions.order);
if( order != "asc" && order != "desc" ) order = "asc";
var byText = _param(arguments[2], qFormAPI.sortOptions.byText, "boolean");
var orderAsc = (order == "asc") ? true : false;
// loop through all the options and sort them asc
for( var i=0; i < obj.options.length; i++ ){
for( var j=0; j < obj.options.length-1; j++ ){
// if an option is greater than the next option, swap them
if( orderAsc && (byText && obj.options[j].text > obj.options[j+1].text) || (!byText && obj.options[j].value > obj.options[j+1].value) ){
_swapOptions(obj.options[j], obj.options[j+1]);
} else if( !orderAsc && (byText && obj.options[j].text < obj.options[j+1].text) || (!byText && obj.options[j].value < obj.options[j+1].value) ){
_swapOptions(obj.options[j], obj.options[j+1]);
return true;
function _swapOptions(o1, o2){
var sText = o1.text;
var sValue = o1.value;
var sSelected = o1.selected;
o1.text = o2.text ;
o1.value = o2.value;
o1.selected = o2.selected;
o2.text = sText;
o2.value = sValue;
o2.selected = sSelected;
function _transferOptions(field1, field2, sort, type, selectItems, reset){
var sort = _param(arguments[2], true, "boolean");
var type = _param(arguments[3], "selected").toLowerCase();
if( type != "all" && type != "selected" ) type = "selected";
var selectItems = _param(arguments[4], true, "boolean");
var reset = _param(arguments[5], false, "boolean");
var doAll = (type == "all") ? true : false;
if( field1.type.substring(0,6) != "select" ) return alert("This method is only available to select boxes. \nThe field \"" + + "\" is not a select box.");
if( field2.type.substring(0,6) != "select" ) return alert("This method is only available to select boxes. \nThe field \"" + + "\" is not a select box.");
// clear the select box
if( reset ) field2.length = 0;
for( var i=0; i < field1.length; i++ ){
// if the current option is selected, move it
if( doAll || field1.options[i].selected ){
field2.options[field2.length] = new Option(field1.options[i].text, field1.options[i].value, false, selectItems);
field1.options[i] = null;
i--; // since you just deleted a option, redo this array position next loop
// if sorting the fields
if( sort ) _sortOptions(field2);
return true;
function _getURLParams(){
struct = new Object();
var strURL = document.location.href;
var iPOS = strURL.indexOf("?");
// if there are some query string params, split them into an array
if( iPOS != -1 ){
var strQS = strURL.substring(iPOS + 1);
var aryQS = strQS.split("&");
// otherwise, return the empty structure
} else {
return struct;
// loop through the array
for( var i=0; i < aryQS.length; i++ ){
iPOS = aryQS[i].indexOf("=");
// if no equal sign is found, then the value is null
if( iPOS == -1 ){
struct[aryQS[i]] = null;
// otherwise grab the variable name and it's value and stick it in structure
} else {
var key = aryQS[i].substring(0, iPOS);
var value = unescape(aryQS[i].substring(iPOS+1));
// if the value doesn't exist, then create a new key
if( !struct[key] ) struct[key] = value;
// otherwise, append the value
else struct[key] += "," + value;
return struct;
function _createFields(struct, type){
var type = _param(arguments[1], "hidden");
if( this.status == null ) return false;
// loop through form elements
for( key in struct ){
document.write("<input type=\"" + type + "\" name=\"" + key + "\" value=\"" + struct[key] + "\" />");
return true;
function _getEventType(type){
// the default event type
var strEvent = "onblur";
// if this is a checkbox & radio button, then mirror value on click
if( type == "checkbox" || type == "radio" ) strEvent = "onclick";
// if this is a select box, then mirror value when the value changes
else if( type.substring(0,6) == "select" ) strEvent = "onchange";
return strEvent;