Required Functions
function __serializeStruct(struct){
// open packet
var aWDDX = new Array("<wddxPacket version='1.0'><header/><data><struct>");
for( var key in struct ) aWDDX[aWDDX.length] = "<var name='" + key.toLowerCase() + "'><string>" + __wddxValue(struct[key]) + "</string></var>";
// close packet
aWDDX[aWDDX.length] = "</struct></data></wddxPacket>";
return aWDDX.join("");
function __wddxValue(str){
var aValue = new Array();
for( var i=0; i < str.length; ++i) aValue[aValue.length] = _encoding.table[str.charAt(i)];
return aValue.join("");
function _wddx_Encoding(){
// Encoding table for strings (CDATA)
var et = new Array();
// numbers to characters table
var n2c = new Array();
for( var i=0; i < 256; ++i ){
// build a character from octal code
var d1 = Math.floor(i/64);
var d2 = Math.floor((i%64)/8);
var d3 = i%8;
var c = eval("\"\\" + d1.toString(10) + d2.toString(10) + d3.toString(10) + "\"");
// modify character-code conversion tables
n2c[i] = c;
// modify encoding table
if( i < 32 && i != 9 && i != 10 && i != 13 ){
// control characters that are not tabs, newlines, and carriage returns
// create a two-character hex code representation
var hex = i.toString(16);
if( hex.length == 1 ) hex = "0" + hex;
et[n2c[i]] = "<char code='" + hex + "'/>";
} else if( i < 128 ){
// low characters that are not special control characters
et[n2c[i]] = n2c[i];
} else {
// high characters
et[n2c[i]] = "&#x" + i.toString(16) + ";";
// special escapes for CDATA encoding
et["<"] = "<";
et[">"] = ">";
et["&"] = "&";
this.table = et;
_encoding = new _wddx_Encoding();
qForm Methods
function _a_serialize(exclude){
// if you need to reset the default values of the fields
var lstExclude = (arguments.length > 0) ? "," + _removeSpaces(arguments[0]) + "," : "";
struct = new Object();
stcAllFields = qFormAPI.getFields();
// loop through form elements
for( key in stcAllFields ){
if( lstExclude.indexOf("," + key + ",") == -1 ) struct[key] = stcAllFields[key];
// create & return the serialized object
return __serializeStruct(struct);
_a.prototype.serialize = _a_serialize;
// define qForm serialize(); prototype
function _q_serialize(exclude){
// if you need to reset the default values of the fields
var lstExclude = (arguments.length > 0) ? "," + _removeSpaces(arguments[0]) + "," : "";
struct = new Object();
// loop through form elements
for( var j=0; j < this._fields.length; j++ ){
if( lstExclude.indexOf("," + this._fields[j] + ",") == -1 ) struct[this._fields[j]] = this[this._fields[j]].getValue();
// create & return the serialized object
return __serializeStruct(struct);
qForm.prototype.serialize = _q_serialize;