// str_convert.hpp:
#include <string>
#include <memory> // either from boost::tr1 or VS8 distribution.
#include <locale>
namespace vr { namespace str {
std::string narrow(const std::wstring& wide, const std::locale& locale);
std::wstring widen(const std::string& narrow, const std::locale& locale);
class any_string
explicit any_string(const char *, const std::locale& locale = std::locale("") );
explicit any_string(const wchar_t *, const std::locale& locale = std::locale("") );
explicit any_string(const std::string&, const std::locale& locale = std::locale("") );
explicit any_string(const std::wstring&, const std::locale& locale = std::locale("") );
const std::string& str() const;
const std::wstring& wstr() const;
operator const std::string&() const { return str(); }
operator const std::wstring&() const { return wstr(); }
const std::locale m_locale;
mutable std::tr1::shared_ptr<std::string> m_ansi;
mutable std::tr1::shared_ptr<std::wstring> m_wide;
class str_converter
str_converter(const std::locale& locale = std::locale("") );
any_string operator()(const char * str) { return any_string(str, m_locale); }
any_string operator()(const wchar_t * str) { return any_string(str, m_locale); }
any_string operator()(const std::string& str) { return any_string(str, m_locale); }
any_string operator()(const std::wstring& str) { return any_string(str, m_locale); }
const std::locale m_locale;
}} // namespace vr::str
// str_convert.cpp:
#include "str_convert.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
namespace vr { namespace str {
std::string narrow(const std::wstring& wide, const std::locale& locale)
if( wide.empty() )
return std::string();
typedef std::wstring::traits_type::state_type state_type;
typedef std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, state_type> CVT;
const CVT& cvt = std::use_facet<CVT>(locale);
std::string narrow(cvt.max_length()*wide.size(), '\0');
state_type state = state_type();
const wchar_t* from_beg = &wide[0];
const wchar_t* from_end = from_beg + wide.size();
const wchar_t* from_nxt;
char* to_beg = &narrow[0];
char* to_end = to_beg + narrow.size();
char* to_nxt;
std::string::size_type sz = 0;
std::codecvt_base::result r;
r = cvt.out(state, from_beg, from_end, from_nxt,
to_beg, to_end, to_nxt);
switch (r)
case std::codecvt_base::error:
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot convert wstring to string. Locale: "+locale.name());
case std::codecvt_base::partial:
sz += to_nxt - to_beg;
to_beg = &narrow[sz];
to_end = &narrow[0] + narrow.size();
case std::codecvt_base::noconv:
narrow.resize(sz + (from_end-from_beg)*sizeof(wchar_t));
std::memcpy(&narrow[sz], from_beg,(from_end-from_beg)*sizeof(wchar_t));
r = std::codecvt_base::ok;
case std::codecvt_base::ok:
sz += to_nxt - to_beg;
} while( r != std::codecvt_base::ok );
return narrow;
std::wstring widen(const std::string& narrow, const std::locale& locale)
if( narrow.empty() )
return std::wstring();
typedef std::string::traits_type::state_type state_type;
typedef std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, state_type> CVT;
const CVT& cvt = std::use_facet<CVT>(locale);
std::wstring wide(narrow.size(), '\0');
state_type state = state_type();
const char* from_beg = &narrow[0];
const char* from_end = from_beg + narrow.size();
const char* from_nxt;
wchar_t* to_beg = &wide[0];
wchar_t* to_end = to_beg + wide.size();
wchar_t* to_nxt;
std::wstring::size_type sz = 0;
std::codecvt_base::result r;
r = cvt.in(state, from_beg, from_end, from_nxt,
to_beg, to_end, to_nxt);
switch (r)
case std::codecvt_base::error:
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot convert string to wstring. Locale: "+locale.name());
case std::codecvt_base::partial:
sz += to_nxt - to_beg;
to_beg = &wide[sz];
to_end = &wide[0] + wide.size();
case std::codecvt_base::noconv:
wide.resize(sz + (from_end-from_beg));
std::memcpy(&wide[sz], from_beg, (std::size_t)(from_end-from_beg));
r = std::codecvt_base::ok;
case std::codecvt_base::ok:
sz += to_nxt - to_beg;
} while( r != std::codecvt_base::ok );
return wide;
// --------------------------------------------------------------- any_string
any_string::any_string(const char * str,const std::locale& locale) :
m_locale(locale), m_ansi( new std::string(str) )
any_string::any_string(const wchar_t * str,const std::locale& locale) :
m_locale(locale), m_wide( new std::wstring(str) )
any_string::any_string(const std::string& str,const std::locale& locale) :
m_locale(locale), m_ansi( new std::string(str) )
any_string::any_string(const std::wstring& str,const std::locale& locale) :
m_locale(locale), m_wide( new std::wstring(str) )
const std::string& any_string::str() const
if( !m_ansi )
m_ansi.reset( new std::string( narrow(*m_wide,m_locale) ) );
return *m_ansi;
const std::wstring& any_string::wstr() const
if( !m_wide )
m_wide.reset( new std::wstring( widen(*m_ansi,m_locale) ) );
return *m_wide;
// ------------------------------------------------------------ str_converter
str_converter::str_converter(const std::locale& locale /*= std::locale("")*/ ) :
}} // namespace vr::str
// *********************************************
// Использовать примерно так:
#include "str_convert.hpp"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
using namespace vr::str;
// wide -> ansi -> wide c использованием дефолтной локали
const wchar_t * asdf = L"asdf";
std::string ansi = any_string(asdf);
std::wstring wide = any_string(ansi);
if( wide != asdf )
std::cout<<"0 failed";
// wide -> ansi -> wide c использованием русской локали
std::locale russian("Russian");
const wchar_t * hedgehog = L"ёж";
std::string ansi1 = any_string(hedgehog, russian);
std::wstring wide1 = any_string(ansi1, russian);
if( hedgehog != wide1 )
std::cout<<"1 failed";
// Если строк несколько, то проще так, чтобы локаль только один раз указывать:
str_converter sc( std::locale("German_germany") );
const wchar_t * message = L"\x00df - sharp-s";
// wide -> ansi
std::string str2 = sc(message);
// wide -> wide :)
std::wstring wstr2 = sc(message);
// ansi -> wide
std::wstring wstr21 = sc(str2);
if( wstr2 != wstr21 )
std::cout<<"2 failed";
catch(std::exception& e)
return 0;