function OpenImagePopup(imgPath, title, alt) {
var win ='','preview',
var winDoc = win.document;
if (title == undefined) title = 'My Image, Click to Close';
if (alt == undefined) alt = 'My Image, Click to Close';
var content = '<html><head><title>' + title + '</title>' +
'<style>body{overflow: hidden;margin:0;}img{border:0;}</style>' +
'</head><body><a href="javascript:self.close()">' +
'<img alt="' + alt + '" id="image" src="' + imgPath + '" /></a></body></html>'
winDoc.body.onload = function() {
var obj = winDoc.getElementById('image');
var w = obj.width, h = obj.height;
var iHeight= document.body.clientHeight, iWidth = self.innerWidth;
var left = (self.opera ? iWidth : screen.availWidth)/2 - w/2;
var top = (self.opera ? iHeight : screen.availHeight)/2 - h/2;
win.resizeTo(w+10, h+26);
win.moveTo(left, top);
win.onload = winDoc.body.onload; // special for Mozilla
// !!! Important statement: popup onload won't execute without it!
// ......
// Example:
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return OpenImagePopup('./1.jpg', 'Поле', 'Закрыть');">view</a>